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下面是win32 界面程序代码

#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN       //  从 Windows 头文件中排除极少使用的信息//#include 
// Windows 头文件#include
#include "resource.h" #include
#include"stdio.h"#include"Draw.h"#define _AFXDLL#include
// 此代码模块中包含的函数的前向声明: LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);BOOL CreateAToolBar(HWND hwnDlg, HINSTANCE hInstance);char FilePath[MAX_PATH] ;//全局变量文件路径char NowPath[120];BOOL FilePathFlag = FALSE;double Factor = 0.6;class mywin{public: ATOM m_Register(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance); BOOL m_Instance(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_ int nCmdShow); BOOL m_ShowWindow(); BOOL m_UpdateWindow(); HWND m_hWnd;};ATOM mywin::m_Register(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance){ //第一步填充WNDCLASSEX, 窗口类结构体 WNDCLASSEX wcex; wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); //结构体大小 wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; //重画 wcex.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; //回调函数 wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; wcex.cbWndExtra = 0; wcex.hInstance = hInstance; wcex.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1)); wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);//背景颜色 wcex.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MENU1); //菜单名字 wcex.lpszClassName = _T("Class"); //类名字 wcex.hIconSm = NULL; return RegisterClassEx(&wcex);//第二步 调用注册函数}BOOL mywin::m_Instance(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_ int nCmdShow){ UINT width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); UINT height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); m_hWnd = CreateWindow(_T("Class"), //LPCTSTR lpClassName, _T("字母图"), //LPCTSTR lpWindowName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,//DWORD dwStyle, 0, // int x, 0, //int y, width, //int nWidth, height - 40, //int nHeight, NULL, //HWND hWndParent, NULL, //HMENU hMenu, hInstance, //HINSTANCE hInstance, NULL); //LPVOID lpParam if (!m_hWnd) { MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("创建窗口失败"), TEXT("提示"), MB_ICONWARNING); return FALSE; } CreateAToolBar(m_hWnd, hInstance); ShowWindow(m_hWnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL); //显示窗口 UpdateWindow(m_hWnd); return TRUE;}HWND hToolBar;BOOL CreateAToolBar(HWND hwnDlg, HINSTANCE hInstance){ WNDCLASSEX wcex; wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); //结构体大小 wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; //重画 wcex.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; //回调函数 wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; wcex.cbWndExtra = 0; wcex.hInstance = hInstance; wcex.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON1)); wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(2);//背景颜色 wcex.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MENU1); //菜单名字 wcex.lpszClassName = _T("childClass"); //类名字 wcex.hIconSm = NULL; RegisterClassEx(&wcex);//第二步 调用注册函数 const int NumImage = 6; // 创建工具栏窗口 //TOOLBARCLASSNAME hToolBar = CreateWindowEx(NULL, TOOLBARCLASSNAME, " ", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS, 0, 0, 32*NumImage,32, hwnDlg, NULL, hInstance, NULL); TBBUTTON tButton[NumImage]; ZeroMemory(tButton, sizeof(tButton)); //创建一个图片列表 HIMAGELIST hInmageList = ImageList_Create(32, 32, ILC_COLOR24/*ILC_COLOR16 | ILC_MASK*/, NumImage, 0); int iBitmap[NumImage] = { 0 }; WORD Id[NumImage] = { IDB_OPEN, IDB_CUT, IDB_DRAW, IDB_BIG, IDB_SMALL, IDB_HELP }; for (int i = 0; i < NumImage; i++) { iBitmap[i] = ImageList_Add(hInmageList, LoadBitmap(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(Id[i])), 0); } SendMessage(hToolBar, TB_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)hInmageList); //将位图添加到工具栏// TCHAR *szBitMAp[] = { "open", "draw", "help" };//标题 for (int j = 0; j < NumImage; j++) { tButton[j].iBitmap = MAKELONG(iBitmap[j], 0); tButton[j].fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED; tButton[j].fsStyle = TBSTYLE_BUTTON | BTNS_AUTOSIZE; //tButton[j].iString = (INT_PTR)szBitMAp[j];//标题 //tButton[j].idCommand = j+100;//命令 } tButton[0].idCommand = ID_FILE_OPEN; tButton[1].idCommand = ID_FILE_SAVE; tButton[2].idCommand = ID_DRAW_DRAW; tButton[3].idCommand = ID_EDIT_ENLARGE; tButton[4].idCommand = ID_EDIT_SHRINK; tButton[5].idCommand = ID_HELP_INSTRUCTION; SendMessage(hToolBar, TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE, (WPARAM)sizeof(TBBUTTON), 90); //计算工具栏大小 SendMessage(hToolBar, TB_ADDBUTTONS, sizeof(tButton) / sizeof(TBBUTTON), (LPARAM)&tButton); //添加按钮到工具栏 //SendMessage(hToolBar, TB_SETBUTTONSIZE, 0, (LPARAM)MAKELONG(10, 10)); SendMessage(hToolBar, TB_AUTOSIZE, 0, 0); //调整工具栏大小 //https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb787421(v=vs.85).aspx COLORSCHEME color; color.dwSize = sizeof(COLORSCHEME); color.clrBtnHighlight = RGB(0, 255, 0); color.clrBtnShadow = RGB(0,255,0); SendMessage(hToolBar, TB_SETCOLORSCHEME, 0, (LPARAM)&color); //调整工具栏大小 ShowWindow(hToolBar, TRUE); return TRUE;}mywin Obj;//全局窗口对象HINSTANCE *all_Instance;int APIENTRY _tWinMain(_In_ HINSTANCE hInstance, _In_opt_ HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, _In_ LPTSTR lpCmdLine, _In_ int nCmdShow){ Obj.m_Register(hInstance); Obj.m_Instance(hInstance, nCmdShow); all_Instance = &hInstance; _getcwd(NowPath, 120); strcat(NowPath, "\\screener_plugin"); MSG msg; while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } return (int)msg.wParam;}int xx = 0, yy = 0;BOOL OpenFile(HWND hWnd){ OPENFILENAME ofn; ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hWnd; ofn.lpstrFile = FilePath; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(FilePath); ofn.lpstrFilter = NULL; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.Flags = OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; FilePathFlag=GetOpenFileName(&ofn);//如果用户指定了一个文件名且点击OK按钮,返回值为非零值。如果用户取消或关闭Save对话框或错误出现,返回值为零。 if (FilePathFlag) //打开文件成功 { //std::vector
vctString(1, FilePath);//保存添加文件的路径 //MessageBox(hWnd, FilePath, _T("successful"), MB_OK);//"LPCWSTR TextOut(GetDC(hWnd), 10, 45, FilePath, strlen(FilePath)); } else { DWORD dwError = NOERROR; dwError = CommDlgExtendedError(); MessageBox(hWnd, _T("open file failed!"), _T("tips"), MB_OK);//"LPCWSTR } return TRUE;}BOOL MyDraw(HDC hdc){ if (!FilePathFlag) return FALSE; CDC *pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); CWnd *pWnd = pDC->GetWindow(); RECT rc; pWnd->GetClientRect(&rc);//填充窗口大小结构体rc myWin WinRect; WinRect.x = rc.left; WinRect.y = rc.top + 500; WinRect.height = rc.bottom - rc.top; WinRect.width = rc.right - rc.left; InterFun(pDC, WinRect, FilePath,Factor);//接口函数 return TRUE;}void Instruction(HDC hdc){ CDC *pDC = CDC::FromHandle(hdc); CPen pen; pen.CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0, 0, 250)); CFont font; font.CreateFont(22, // nHeight 0, // nWidth 0, // nEscapement 0, // nOrientation FW_NORMAL, // nWeight FALSE, // bItalic FALSE, // bUnderline 0, // cStrikeOut ANSI_CHARSET, // nCharSet OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nOutPrecision CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nClipPrecision DEFAULT_QUALITY, // nQuality DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, // nPitchAndFamily _T("宋体")); pDC->SelectObject(&font); pDC->SelectObject(pen); pDC->Rectangle(300, 130, 1050, 410); pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(0, 0, 250)); pDC->TextOut(320, 150, "使用说明:"); pDC->TextOut(320, 200, "画图数据是一列实型数据,打开数据前要在画图数据中添加画图参数,"); pDC->TextOut(320, 250, "第一行添加一个整型数据:氨基酸字母长度,"); pDC->TextOut(320, 300, "第二行添加一个整型数据:氨基酸编码长度(20或21),"); pDC->TextOut(320, 350, "两者乘积应等于实型数据的个数。"); DeleteObject(pen); DeleteObject(font);}CButton btn;LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){ int wmId, wmEvent; PAINTSTRUCT ps; switch (message) { case WM_COMMAND://菜单命令int wmId = LOWORD(wParam); wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); switch (wmId)// 分析菜单命令: { case ID_FILE_SAVE://截图 { //TCHAR CmdLine[] = TEXT(buffer); STARTUPINFO si; //一些必备参数设置 memset(&si, 0, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; //必备参数设置结束 int flag=CreateProcess(NULL,NowPath ,NULL,NULL,1,CREATE_NO_WINDOW,NULL,NULL,&si,&pi); if (flag == 0) { MessageBox(hWnd, _T("CreateProcess fail!"), _T("title"), MB_OK);//"LPCWSTR MessageBox(hWnd, _T(NowPath), _T("path"), MB_OK);//"LPCWSTR } break; } case ID_FILE_OPEN: //打开文件 { OpenFile(hWnd); break; } case ID_DRAW_DRAW: //画图 InvalidateRect(Obj.m_hWnd, 0, TRUE); UpdateWindow(Obj.m_hWnd); if (!MyDraw(GetDC(hWnd))) MessageBox(hWnd, _T("请先选择文件再画图!"), _T("title"), MB_OK);//"LPCWSTR break; case ID_EDIT_ENLARGE: //放大 Factor += 0.05; InvalidateRect(Obj.m_hWnd, 0, TRUE); UpdateWindow(Obj.m_hWnd); if (!MyDraw(GetDC(hWnd))) MessageBox(hWnd, _T("请先选择文件再画图!"), _T("title"), MB_OK);//"LPCWSTR break; case ID_EDIT_SHRINK: //缩小 Factor -= 0.05; InvalidateRect(Obj.m_hWnd, 0, TRUE); UpdateWindow(Obj.m_hWnd); if (!MyDraw(GetDC(hWnd))) MessageBox(hWnd, _T("请先选择文件再画图!"), _T("title"), MB_OK);//"LPCWSTR break; case ID_HELP_INSTRUCTION: //帮助 Instruction(GetDC(hWnd)); break; default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN://鼠标左键 { break; } case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: MessageBox(hWnd, _T("right"), _T("title"), MB_OK);//"LPCWSTR break; case WM_CREATE: // creating main window { RECT lRect; GetClientRect(hToolBar, &lRect); FillRect(GetDC(hToolBar), &lRect, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW)); //CWnd * pCWnd; //pCWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd); //btn.Create(_T("btnName"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, CRect(0, 0, 90, 20), pCWnd, 123); //btn.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); break; } case WM_PAINT: HDC hdc; hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); // TODO: 在此添加任意绘图代码... EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); break; case WM_DESTROY: //窗口已经销毁 PostQuitMessage(0);//退出程序 break; default: //缺省消息处理 return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } return 0;}

以下是存放接口函数InterFun(pDC, WinRect, FilePath,Factor)的头文件Draw.h;

#include "stdio.h"#include "stdlib.h"#include "math.h"#include "float.h"#include   
//#define Ncolumn 28//读入数据列数//#define FACTOR 0.6//值越大则高度越高#define N 1#define WIDE WinRect.width/(double)(Ncolumn+2.5)//一列宽度#define BLACK RGB(0,0,0)#define GREEN RGB(0,255,0)#define RED RGB(255,0,0)#define BLUE RGB(0,0,255)#define UN RGB(111,111,111)//颜色int Ncolumn=0;//颜色数组COLORREF color[26] = { BLACK, UN, GREEN, RED, RED, BLACK, GREEN, BLUE, BLACK, UN, BLUE, BLACK, BLACK, GREEN, UN, BLACK, GREEN, BLUE, GREEN, GREEN, UN, BLACK, BLACK, UN, BLACK, UN };//颜色struct MyChar{ char mychar[1]; COLORREF mycolor; double myheight; struct MyChar* prev; struct MyChar* after;}; struct myWin{ int x; int y; int height; int width;};FILE *open_file(const char * filename,const char *mode)//打开文件{ FILE *fp; fp=fopen(filename,mode); if(fp==NULL) { fprintf(stdout,"err msg is %s\n",filename); exit(1); } return fp;}void Sort(struct MyChar * &MyChar,const int feature)//按照高度排序,从大到小{ struct MyChar temp; for(int i=0;i
0) lf.lfEscapement = 0; else lf.lfEscapement=1800; //char *tem = "@MS Gothic"; //MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, tem, sizeof(tem)-1, lf.lfFaceName, sizeof(tem)-1); strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, _T("@MS Gothic")); //字体 VERIFY(font.CreateFontIndirect(&lf)); oldfont=pDC->SelectObject(&font);//选择绘图工具 pDC->SetTextColor(color);//字符颜色 pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT);//背景(透明) int xx = _x; //字母的位置 int yy = _y; //BOOL ExtTextOut( 扩展文本输出函数 // _In_ HDC hdc, // _In_ int X, // _In_ int Y, // _In_ UINT fuOptions, // _In_ const RECT *lprc, // _In_ LPCTSTR lpString, // _In_ UINT cbCount, // _In_ const INT *lpDx //); /* LONG left; rectangle LONG top; LONG right; LONG bottom;*/ if(height>0) { RECT rct = {xx , yy-lf.lfHeight, xx+lf.lfWidth , yy}; //字母的上下左右 pDC->ExtTextOutA(_x , _y-lf.lfHeight , ETO_CLIPPED , &rct , mychar , 1 , NULL );} else { RECT rct = {xx , yy, xx+lf.lfWidth , yy-lf.lfHeight}; pDC->ExtTextOutA(_x+lf.lfWidth , _y-lf.lfHeight , ETO_CLIPPED , &rct , mychar , 1 , NULL );} yy-=lf.lfHeight;//下一次绘图的yy pDC->SelectObject(oldfont); font.DeleteObject(); return yy;//做了数值上的调整,增大返回值会使字母(列)紧凑}void Paint_column(struct MyChar *P_MyChar,int n,CDC *pDC,myWin WinRect,double origin_x,double origin_y,const int feature)//输出一列字符{ int y = origin_y-1; struct MyChar *p_positive; p_positive = &P_MyChar[feature-1];//从大到小排列 while(p_positive != NULL) { if(p_positive->myheight <= 0) { p_positive =p_positive->prev;continue; } y = Paint_a_char(origin_x+WIDE*n,y,p_positive->myheight,p_positive->mycolor,p_positive->mychar,pDC,WinRect); p_positive = p_positive->prev; } y = (int)origin_y+1; p_positive = &P_MyChar[0];//从大到小排列 while(p_positive != NULL) { if(p_positive->myheight >= 0) { p_positive =p_positive->after;continue; } y = Paint_a_char(origin_x+WIDE*n,y,p_positive->myheight,p_positive->mycolor,p_positive->mychar,pDC,WinRect); p_positive = p_positive->after; }}void Heng_zuo_biao(CDC *pDC,int n,myWin WinRect,double origin_x,double&FACTOR)//输出坐标值{ CFont font; LOGFONT lf; memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT)); lf.lfWeight =300; lf.lfWidth = WIDE/4*FACTOR; lf.lfHeight = WIDE/2*FACTOR; lf.lfEscapement =0; strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "simsun"); VERIFY(font.CreateFontIndirect(&lf)); // create the font CFont* oldfont=pDC->SelectObject(&font); pDC->SetTextColor(BLACK); // Set the text color pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); int site=n; site++; char alpha[5]="P"; if (site<10) { alpha[1]=(char)(site+'0');// alpha[2]=0; } else if (site<100) { alpha[1]=(char)(site/10+'0');// alpha[2]=(char)(site%10+'0'); alpha[3]=0; } else { alpha[1]=(char)(site/100+'0'); alpha[2]=(char)((site%100)/10+'0'); alpha[3]=(char)(site%10+'0'); alpha[4]=0; } int x=origin_x + WIDE*n+WIDE*1/4 ; int y=WinRect.height*FACTOR+WinRect.height*(1-FACTOR)/3+30; pDC->TextOutA(x+15,y+65,alpha,5); pDC->SelectObject(oldfont); font.DeleteObject();}void Zong_zuo_biao(int x,int y,double num,CDC *pDC,myWin WinRect)//输出纵坐标数字{ CFont font; LOGFONT logfont;//The LOGFONT structure defines the attributes of a font. memset(&logfont, 0, sizeof(LOGFONT)); logfont.lfWeight = 200; //For example, 400 is normal and 700 is bold. logfont.lfWidth = WIDE/8; logfont.lfHeight = WIDE/4; strcpy(logfont.lfFaceName, "simsun");//A null-terminated string that specifies the typeface name of the font. VERIFY(font.CreateFontIndirect(&logfont)); // create the font pDC->SelectObject(&font); pDC->SetTextColor(BLACK); // Set the text color pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); char strnum[10]; sprintf(strnum, "%-.2lf", num); pDC->TextOutA(x-WIDE/2,y-logfont.lfHeight/2,strnum,strlen(strnum)); font.DeleteObject();}void printline(CDC *pDC,myWin &WinRect,double max_y,double min_y,double origin_x,double origin_y,double&FACTOR)//输出线条{ int vert_move = 32;//工具栏偏移 int x_start = origin_x*0.9; int x_end =origin_x + (Ncolumn)*WIDE; int y_top = WinRect.height*(1-FACTOR)/3-60+vert_move; int y_bottom =WinRect.height*FACTOR+ WinRect.height*(1-FACTOR)/3+60+vert_move;//中心横坐标线 pDC->MoveTo(x_start-8,origin_y); //将当前位置移动到 x 和 y 指定的点(或 point) pDC->LineTo(x_end,origin_y);//底部很坐标线 包含(底部纵坐标刻度(小横线)) //y_bottom+=60; pDC->MoveTo(x_start-8,y_bottom-1); pDC->LineTo(x_end,y_bottom-1); pDC->MoveTo(x_start-8,y_bottom); pDC->LineTo(x_end,y_bottom); pDC->MoveTo(x_start-8,y_bottom+1); pDC->LineTo(x_end,y_bottom+1);//左侧纵轴坐标线 pDC->MoveTo(x_start-2,origin_y); pDC->LineTo(x_start-2,y_top); pDC->LineTo(x_start-2,y_bottom); pDC->MoveTo(x_start-1,origin_y); pDC->LineTo(x_start-1,y_top); pDC->LineTo(x_start-1,y_bottom); pDC->MoveTo(x_start,origin_y); pDC->LineTo(x_start,y_top); pDC->LineTo(x_start,y_bottom);//顶部纵坐标刻度(小横线) pDC->MoveTo(x_start-8,y_top); pDC->LineTo(x_start,y_top); pDC->MoveTo(x_start-8,y_top+1); pDC->LineTo(x_start,y_top+1); pDC->MoveTo(x_start-8,y_top+2); pDC->LineTo(x_start,y_top+2); Zong_zuo_biao(x_start-WIDE/2,(int)origin_y,0.0,pDC,WinRect); //中间刻度 Zong_zuo_biao(x_start-WIDE/2,y_top,max_y,pDC,WinRect); //max 刻度 Zong_zuo_biao(x_start-WIDE/2,y_bottom,-min_y,pDC,WinRect);//纵坐标最小刻度}void InterFun(CDC *pDC, myWin& WinRect, char *path, double FACTOR){ FILE *fp_xishu = open_file(path,"r"); if (NULL == fp_xishu) { pDC->TextOutA(WinRect.width / 2 - 20,WinRect.height / 2, "Open File Failed!", strlen("Open File Failed!")); return; } int feature = 0; //每个编码方式的属性数,比如稀疏编码,21个属性+6个。 int res=fscanf(fp_xishu,"%d",&Ncolumn); //氨基酸序列长度 if (-1==res) { pDC->TextOutA(WinRect.width / 2 - 60, WinRect.height / 2, "文件第一个数据应该是int型,代表肽链长度。", strlen("文件第一个数据应该是int型,代表肽链长度。")); return; } res=fscanf(fp_xishu,"%d",&feature); //编码长度,只能是20 或者21 if (-1 == res) { pDC->TextOutA(WinRect.width / 2 - 60, WinRect.height / 2, "文件第二个数据应该是int型,代表编码长度。", strlen("文件第一个数据应该是int型,代表肽链长度。")); return; } //测试文件长度 int count = 0; double tem; while (!feof(fp_xishu)) { res=fscanf(fp_xishu, "%lf", &tem); if (-1 == res&& !feof(fp_xishu)) { char str[20]; char *ss = "row:"; sprintf(str, "%d", count); pDC->TextOutA(WinRect.width / 2 - 40, WinRect.height / 2, " 数据应该是double型。", strlen(" 数据应该是double型。")); pDC->TextOutA(WinRect.width / 2 - 40, WinRect.height / 2+20, str, strlen(str)); return; } count++; } count--; if (count!=Ncolumn*feature) { char str[20]; char *ss = "count:"; sprintf(str, "%s%d",ss, count); pDC->TextOutA(WinRect.width / 2 - 40, WinRect.height / 2 + 20, str, strlen(str)); pDC->TextOutA(WinRect.width / 2 - 30, WinRect.height / 2, " 数据个数应该等于肽链长度乘以编码长度。", strlen(" 数据个数应该等于肽链长度乘以编码长度。")); return; } rewind(fp_xishu); fscanf(fp_xishu, "%d", &tem); fscanf(fp_xishu, "%d", &tem); feature+=6; struct MyChar* MyChar = new struct MyChar[feature]; double **xishu = new double *[Ncolumn]; // 创建9个二级指针, for (int i=0; i
=max1) max1=(fabsum+sum)/2; if ((fabsum-sum)/2>=max2) max2=(fabsum-sum)/2; fabsum=0; sum=0; // for(int n=0;n
GF(4)上的 矩阵运算